Friday, 4 June 2010

Cup of Good Hop on the Beeb

Click on the link and go to 1h 34m 50secs in order to hear me and James talk about Cup of Good Hop on BBC Sussex and Surrey. It's about ten minutes long and I think we did pretty well. Listeners were treated to live beer tasting (Star, Ghana) which makes for great radio in itself ;).

We will extract the audio and put it up as stand-alone multimedia as soon as we can. Photos of our trip to the Beeb will also be online shortly. Will also scan in our appearance on page 22 of the Sussex Evening Argus yesterday.

Meanwhile, we're still looking for four beers:

Cameroon (Pelforth or any other old-school French Colonial beer would do), North Korea (Taedonggang - though we may have to replace with a bit of creative thinking), Slovakia (Golden Pheasant) and Uruguay (Patricia or Pilsen). With seven days to go, if anyone can help us please get in touch. We're looking to round up the beer hunting by next Wednesday (9th) so we can get on with the serious business of holding the COGH Beer World Cup.

I suppose its not as high pressured as Capello's preparations, but we've still got to keep our eye on the ball. This week we heard from the US distributors of Golden Pheasant, and were very helpful in sending us a picture of their beer - nice try, how about sending us the real thing. Here it is:-

So near and yet so far...

COGH injury shocker! Ferdinand and Drogba may be crocked and seemingly out of contention for the World Cup, but here at Cup of Good Hop we've been hit by an injury scare too. Yesterday I had five stitches put in a nasty gouge in my foot caused by a sandals-and-bike pedal related incident. At least I didn't get clattered by Heskey...

Will leave you with a recent BBC story about the first North Korean beer tv advert - give it a watch, it's nuts... and this article about the carbon footprint of a pint of beer was also very interesting.

best for now,


Random picture of me singing Mr Blue Sky after a few liveners...


  1. Well done radio interview, lads.
    Keeping my fingers crossed that you can find the remaining four. Someone earlier suggested to contact the North Korean embassy. Did you try? Any response from them?

    Anyway, I'm fantasizing about taking this whole thing a step further by actually travelling to all those 32 countries and sample the beers on site. Would need 2 years off from work and some funds though...

  2. hi 1860er,

    wouldn't that be an amazing trip? here's to you getting a windfall / inheritance in time for the 2014 World Cup so you could do so.

    Time is not on our side now, and embassies are famously slow moving entities - so we've used a little creative thinking in order to complete, but given more time we would be purists and chase every single one down.

    As I've said in the latest post, if anyone isn't happy with the choices we've made, they're more than welcome to send replacements. However, they need to reach us by the end of this week (obviously by the 10th June).



  3. I'm genuinely amazed that it's a struggle to find Pelforth, it's so common in France. The blonde is good, but the brune is superb, a fabulous caramel type flavour in it. If you can track down a bottle of that bad boy it will so be the group winner.

  4. hi Merrick,

    I've written to Heineken - who brew Pelforth - and asked them and they gave me the soft soap - useless idiots. They could have got some benefit from supplying one solitary bottle. as it turns out, they've lost out and we've found a replacement.

    we've got all 32 and we're raring to go...

